wicked thread on toronto integras

^gee, you think? I don’t know anyone who owns a “cricket bat”

none the less I probably would have taken photos of the guys (before the beat down), and as someone else had said, taken their license’s.

Possibly also cut the valvestems off their wheels

one thing i find pretty stupid is beating them WHEN they know where the guy lives. if the people who didn’t know where i lived, i woulda broken some arms probably. even though the guy can find out where they live, he has to worry about getting HIS ass beat down along with his family and house and etc etc. having to worry about that 24/7 isn’t worth it.

i will keep updating that thread to see if anything actually happens to that guy.

one thing i knows is…its not how you stand by your car…jks jks

one thing i really know is…asian (chinks and viet) and brown people…u don’t wanna mess with. too many and if a fight ever occurs, your looking at 50+ ppl (depending if you are known or not lol)

especially in markham…chinks own that shit like chinatown.

^gee, you think? I don’t know anyone who owns a “cricket bat”


funniest thing you have ever said D.

if he were chinese hed whip out his badminton raquet


so true

badminton is fucking baller tho

anyone wanna play

hahahahah so true

Wicked story… that is like 2 seconds from my house where it happened.
Now i have even more of a reason to always make sure my car is inside at night. I havent once left my car outside overnight in the 4+ years I have owned it.

Truth. We are like ants.

good job.

fucking pricks. If it was me I would have sliced them up real nice and turn them into mashed potatoes. Then feed them to the ducks next day.

But in all seriousness, if I ever catch anyone even stealing an emblem off my car I would beat the living shit out of them until my arms and legs are limp. Its not the value of what they steal, its just the idea of fucktards messing around with other peoples property…

Sure they call it a job, but they are just lazy asses who dont want to work harder for honest money.

U know those morons will try to comeback somehow for revenge… I think the guy should install a security camera now in his driveway!!!

I honestly dont think people in that business deal with revenge. Adding extra risk to get busted and be out of “work” for good.

They can’t not expect people to react like that when they are trying to steal their cars.

From the story it sounded like they were young and stupid, as opposed to just stupid.

I’d be more worried about table tennis rackets…

He said he has cameras at hsi house.

cameras wont help him sleep better at night.

wat does that do? absolutely nothing!

if they were pissed off enough, they would grab a few friends and it would be on.

I don’t think that those guys will go back for revenge but maybe they will… If anyone knows about my house party story, those guys have never came back ever since that night. :slight_smile:


Jus keep the car in the garage i guess!!! LOL!

they never came back cause you said if they did things we’re “going to get gay”.

AND you had no pants on at the time.

i live in the area but never seen his car. w/e… better not touch my shitboxes.
if i were them id do much more damage then them for what the theives attepted to do to my car.
n i think they’d be smart enough to look at his license n find out where they live so even if they come back for revenge this dude will find them. prolly south east side of markham. empire22!

Im down