wicked thread on toronto integras

most car theives have nothing to lose anyways,

if they get caught they flea back to their home country

How do you think they get here in the first place?


lol that was awesome, the whole community should stick out for one another when it comes to thieves and beat the fuck out of them dirty nasty all the way so they think more than twice before the fuck they think they can do this (*@#&( awesome story.

They should’ve left them tied up afterwards for the police to find them, and leave a sai on the ground ninja turtle style.

That would be freakin awesome

Hehe that reminds me of some spiderman episodes.

They should have also been dressed up as batman and spiderman etc… then BAM and then leave them tied up at a police station or something… ah well lol. This is getting violent.

wow that story was so 2fast2furious its not even funny…lmao!! He should make a movie, Big car chase, 2 buddies meeting up like they knew where this guy was gunna run too… pullin up to the car that randomly parks in a parking lot, then turning out there lights and BOOM!!! RX8 TURNS IT LIGHTS ON!! Right on the CIVIC!!! They were on SMS Walkie talkie majiggers with the uhh sattelites and shit lol! Beating up the guys and finding a list of cars and shit.

Pff this is so bullshit!