Wideband renting

Shawly and Nismo both want to borrow my wideband. Its a bitch for me to take in and out, so I’ve requested $40 for 24 hours use.

Just wondering if anybody else would like to borrow it for a day before I install it back into my car. More people that want to use it the less money I’ll need from each for my time. Hell, $1each for 40 people will make me happy enough to spend the time taking it out.

Anyone else need it?

Oh, it’s an AEM Uego.

I’ll give you a kick in the teeth… deal? :lol:

It’s $100 for every broken tooth… :smiley:

Im down for a Grand. :lol: :lol: :lol: JK

Yes! I"m on my way to my dream mouth.


I’m probably pulling it tonight. Anybody who wants it for a day or two shoot me a PM!

how long are you keeping it out for??? because i want to talk to nguyen and if i could drive to calgary next weekend so he can tune my pwr fc…

I’ll keep it out as long as folks need it.