Wii Fit crew. sign in

so who has a wii fit?

this guy does. and its sweet.

Yea. I got it. Its fun for a while but its too hot in my house sometimes to play too long. I did the running game and almost passed out.

Crocs…Wii fit…hmmm :gay:

Is the engagement just a cover?

is it worth the money to get it??? i have been thinking about it but have not went out to get it yet? what does it do for power?

I think its fun. My girlfriend and I play it for fun but I can’t imagine using it as a full workout routine tho. Lol.

I came in here to make fun of all of the fags that use it for anything other than making their girlfriend do the hoola-hoop game in her underwear.

so which is cooler?

Wii Fit


Joyride in an F22


i would rather have my girlfriend hulahoop on top of me, not on some stupid video game.

my wife loves the hulahoop deal. I tried the wii fit once…it was meh. Then I played GTA4 on the Xbox.


No one said they wouldn’t, we just said you were fagtastic if you had a Wii for any reason other than that :banghead:

I just run three miles aday

and i saved myself what? 300 Bucks?


its only working out if you have a wiimote in your pocket

Dood, it’s pretty fucking cool