Wii and Wii Fit

Does anyone have a Wii Fit? My wife said she wants one for Christmas. I went to the Gamestop last night and found out it would be a total of $330 before taxes for everything ($250 for Wii and $80 for Wii Fit). That is pretty much my entire budget for her for Christmas, and I don’t want to waste it if the Wii Fit is no good. She said that she would use the Wii Fit on nights we don’t go to the gym and that she would actually play the Wii games with me (she refuses to play Xbox 360 because she isn’t any good). Do any of your wives/gf’s have Wii Fit? Is it any good/worth the money?

My girlfriend has a Wii fit and it’s a ton of fun. Contrary to what most people think, it’s more about your balance and strengthening your core than something like DDR.

I’d say it’s worth the cash, but in your case if you have something else nice you want to get her, get that instead.

i think it’s fun

go to the gym every night instead of buying a wii fit for the off nights at the gym.

wii’s are dumb

I have a Wii Fit and use it occasionally. Like mentioned above it is more focused on center of gravity, posture, and balance. The only games that get my heart rate above normal is the hula hoop, running, and boxing. All the rest are not exercise in my book. Hell, a heated Wii Tennis match between 4 people gets me working harder than Wii Fit most of the time.

I don’t think there will be ANY advantage to getting one if you and your girl already have a gym routine set. There are other games that are exercise based that came out recently for Wii too, but I’m not sure if they use the balance board or not.

I also have an old Xbox 1 game called Yourself Fitness. If I keep up on the low setting I can hardly breath after 15 minutes. I am out of shape, but obviously working harder than you are used to is what works the best. Wii Fit doesn’t make me feel like I am working hard - even considering i am terribly out of shape.

i bought my wife wii fit and she used it all the time when we first got it. now not so much. it does focus on core and balance though. its good for the “lazy” exercise person.