Will William DuVall save Alice in Chains?

In almost all instances, the lead singer is the voice (duh) and ‘face’ for the band. Once the original is gone, it’s over. I’m sure you can point out cases where that does not apply, but 9/10 times I am right.

thats what i was tryin to say :lol.look at sepultara they suck now …creed =ta suck "well they sucked before also "

Drowning Pool seems pretty good with a different singer. The original singer od’ed

I think the question is more of, “will their sound be as good as it was in the 90s?” it probably won’t be as good with a different singer, hell, even with the same singer new albums are rarely considered “as good as that last one” but as long as its not this emo shit or any of the other crap they’ve been trying to play on the alternative/rock radio for the last few years I’ll be happy.

They were never that good to begin with, and their still not. Not on AIC’s level anyways.

Well Im just going by the newest cd that I downloaded. It sounds good in the truck.