Will William DuVall save Alice in Chains?

For all you 90’s grunge fans (Or some that are still stuck in the 90’s music scene… (me)), AIC is back!.

If you were around me for 5 min, in a car or home, you can tell i listen to too much AIC. There my fav band, and IMO William will push the band to a new era but will never fill Layne’s shoes (minus the drug use). I can ramble on for hours why Layne Stanley And Jerry Cantrell a long side pearl jam and nirvana, set the tone for the 90’s era. I still have a bunch of stuff my dad brought back when he went to the MTV, AIC unplugged show back in 96…I didn’t see them at northern lights last year, bc my boss decided to be a absolute prick. Heard mixed things. but o well.

Here’s the Official Blog in AIC myspace HERE.

This long, arduous process is complete, and although there’s still a lot of work to be done, the songs are in the can and that’s the most important thing.

So what can I tell you when I look back on the last six months?

I can tell you that the monotony of 12 to 16 hour days in the studio can be broken up by multiple costumes & hair styles, hours and hours of dice games, any sort of dialogue delivered in a heavily accentuated southern drawl, and a slew of special guests dropping by the studio.

Most of all I can tell you that some amazing songs were written and recorded. From the heaviest riff-dripping gut puncher to the most sadly beautiful song I think this band has ever recorded, I honestly believe that this album will return Alice In Chains to the top of the hard rock heap.

So now the next few months are dedicated to things like album artwork, lining up interviews & press, shooting videos, planning tours, and figuring out whether to bury Jerry & William’s beards at sea or donate them to science.

Hopefully these new songs will strike a chord and make a similar impact on all of you out there that were moved by this band in the first place. These songs have definitely done that with me, and frankly I’m getting pretty sick and tired of loving this stuff alone, so I can’t wait for it to be released so it’ll become your favorite record of 2009 and we can discuss it at the shows.

So clear a slot in your CD shelf and schedule maternity leave from work in September, because the long drought will be over soon…


not a chance ,lane staly was it not this new guy

We will have to see, I love AiC!

they should not put AIC back to gether…

Jerry cantrell was always the heart and sole of the band. Even when Stanley was alive but “not there” it didn’t matter much because so much more had to do with Cantrell.

I can’t wait to hear it.

jerry waqs a hub of the wheel but without lane ,it wouldnt of been there


Why dont they just start a new band? AIC shouldnt start making music again, it wouldnt be the same

they’ll be fine. duvall was singing with the band even back when stanley was still around. Its not a big problem. I’m just glad theyre making music again.

What would the chili peppers be if they stopped playing when Hillel Slovak died, or when Frusciante left.

Smashing pumkins were in the same boat, they couldn’t get the old crew together but they were able to put out a damn good sound with only 2 original members.

Pumkins are a whole other story. lol. Esp System of a down, they broke up, all went there own ways. STILL sound the same and all making serious bank.

But its funny to see on AIC myspace, or just internet…The disrepect people have towards duvall. its crazy. I think if Jerry wanted a new band, he was quite capable of doing it. he had a couple solo cd’s with most of the songs related to layne or AIC.

I still think about this - If Laynes Girlfriend in mid 90’s didnt die from needle/drug related problems. And he didnt find his real dad and start shooting up with him. His whole life would be different, thus making the whole 97-02 a better time/ more music. Still kinda bothers me they didnt find his body or a couple days to a week.

+1 not many people know that. Everyone thinks they held a “American idol” contest and found him. bs.

There has been alot of ties back to the moore theater in 95-7 with him being the backup vocalist along with cantrell.

+1, AiC = the greatest band ever.

and jeff, layne was on drugs before the whole thing with his girlfriedn/dad so im sure it still wouldve ended the same way/~same time

I know. but those two turning points ruined his life, for what could be the best vocalist of the 90’s. I have books/bookmarks on internet… alot of shit of aic. dont get me started lmao.

Wasnt there some black guy as the lead singer a few years ago?

I know they did some concerts a year or two ago and came to Albany so apparently it wasnt with this William guy as the singer if theyre just announcing it.


he’s been with AIC, in the “backround” so to speak since 97. when layne died in 02, AIC never offically dis banded. In 06 they began touring as Duvall (the black guy) as there lead singer and Jerry Cantrell (guitar) as back up vocalist.

To answer your question… in short, no. Alice in Chains is one of the worst bands of all time

If this is guy is such a good singer, and this band is still good why do they have to be “saved” by him?

he wont save maybe ruin em ,

I didnt realize he was the black guy

Just like when ‘they’ move into a neighborhood?