Willybeen I'm sorry about h-date...

“Single white and slim male looking to be ridden by a car-sized female. the blacker the better”


“female must look like a hummer as well as give them”

Ill cut you… geoff… i need inspiration here for a rebuttle… asshole… not dan



will (4:00:10 PM): happy vday
geoff (4:00:15 PM): you too fagboy
will (4:00:16 PM): as opposed to VD
will (4:00:18 PM): which i have

willybeen = new skunkape?

I’m a little concerned and upset… I didnt get a single fatty request… CLEARLY you lied about this whole event… because its uncanny to think it was an error on MY part :-p

:frowning: thats ridic those whores… give them time…