Willyville crew, Lunch?

~2 blocks from George Urban & Dick. Just past the DMV plaza

So how did Williamsville lunch turn into no where near Williamsville? lol

Williamsville Lunch in Cheektowaga :tif:

LOL hey whereever?? i’m not picky to there. Its where the first one was i think, so i thought it was conveinent. I got no issue with somewhere in the main/transit or village area. La Nova’s(is there tables?), sorrentino’s, brewpub, chilli’s, bill grays???

Grovers if your real hungry???

ok…move the VILLE lunches to west seneca :slight_smile:


keep it close to amherst/willyville… or i prolly wont make it


anyone of these places sounds good to me

Willy?! Where you at?!


No one posts up soon I will just get take out from Fugi

Bring some here. I’m bringing in my small lcd, xbox, and cod4 today… We can play.

I’m so bored! And have the store to myself all weekend.


i need food. stat.

i just woke up… my bad.

EDIT: this is why i have a phone…

anyone today … i have a hour lunch today … i can take it 12,1230, or 1… anyone

i think i wana go to:

Sorrentino’s Pizzeria

5640 Main Street, Williamsville

This has always worked out sooo well in the past

it worked once…


well if anyone wants to i will be going there… so if anyone wants to … shoot me a text 480-5491 or pm me

we can meet in the lot and makeout then go eat … or even get take out and go make out at the falls :gotme:

edit: im going to go at 1 unless someone wants to go at a diff time …

edit ok so it may not work but im still trying

Im back in for these lunch meets…

mmm lunch meat…

i will be at chillis at 1

the one near your work… … ok im now going to go to chillis…

john are you going to be at the bar?