Amherst/Williasmville Job crew...lunch?

Feel like taking a nice lunch today…anyone wanna hit le metro? Like 1pm?

isnt that on Elmwood ???

there’s one on elmwood and one on main in williamsville

eh…not feelin it today.

plus stupid jon had to make an online draft for fantasy football today… so i am stuck doing that

i am doin pizza hut buffet

hahahaha…that’s lunch from back in the day :lol:

Picking up some parts that came in on lunch, then leaving early to take the boss out on the boat fishing.

Besides, I’m more of a pizza works kind of guy.

Besides that, you probably wouldn’t eat with a red stater :wink:

Is that the Le Metro in the walker center? If so that is no longer a Le metro…but some other restaurant, i think sun something…

i was just there the other day for lunch

Edit: unless it changed within the last 2 weeks LOL…

Edit 2: So sean (officerK) just informed me that he was there a few days ago… i guess it did change…


Meh, I guess we’re ordering from Panera Bread

Free lunch > *

way to bail on ur own thread… tool :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone wanna join me at teh Hatch at Erie Basin Marina

LOL, I was so in too! My boss is out of town, so I was thinking of taking a nice long 2 hour lunch…

Damn you Joe! Oh well, at least I got to see you this morning! LOL

oh, and I wasn’t revving and driving fast on purpose this morning. I just found it really hard to nod to you after seeing you, talk on the phone, take the corner and downshift while heel-toeing beforehand just to make the corner, only to just go from 1st to 2nd and be at 30 MPH, then shift to 4th. LOL. At least I didnt fuck it all up… that’d have been embarrassing if I ground a gear or didnt turn enough or something… :slight_smile:

Indeed, welcome to my world :slight_smile:

Well I think I’ll be @ the office late so maybe I’ll make a dinner meet for Le Metro/whatever the fuck it is now


i might want to eat dinner