Looking to update my wife’s computer. I would like to purchase a valid Windows 7 key, as I have the install media already. Prefer Pro or ultimate, but home would work.
This sounds like it would never work, but i had purchased a desktop and when i got it home i realized the copy of Windows 7 was not legitimate. The computer would let me know every 5 min and pop ups. I googled Window 7 keys and tried 4 or 5. The 5th one worked and validated it.
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http://www.suctips.com/2014/02/get-free-windows-7-professional-product_25.html think that was the site.
Interesting. I would prefer to purchase a legit one if possible, but that might be an option
look on ebay for licenses… just make sure it’s not a scam by looking at reviews etc…
You’re not going to get a legit pro-license for $30.
Know anyone that goes to UB? Toss them a few bucks to get you a copy through UB. Only hitch there is they’re only allowed to buy one copy so you’ll need a friend who isn’t planning on using it. That’s how I got my Win7 Ultimate for $10 (plus some good beer for my buddy).
I have a 7 ultimate key from a while ago that i dont use. You’ll have to call to activate it though (Maybe? Not sure since its been over a year since its been activated/online)
download windows 7 loader by daz. it works like a charm. check on tpb
I’d be sketched out at installing a stolen, hacked up OS personally. You can find an OEM license for about $100 I think. Finding a student with a willingness to cough up their sole Win 7 license is a long shot but your best bet at getting the price you’re looking at.
Just go on newegg.com and blow $100 on a oem retail key with DVD media…
Also larger businesses and corporations usually have TechNet licenses with their Volume Licenses. Might want to see if someone can part with a key from that if you know anyone.