…can kiss my ass fucked up modem.sys on amandas computer (wish she’d ditch dialup already) so dialup networking is all screwy and printer spooler errer every 2m cuz the damn service wont’ stay running. reverted back after uninstall and it fixed dialup networking but that damn printer spooler thing wont’ go away, followed every fix i could find for it but none of the registry keys or directories it tells me to delete even exist cuz i didn’t install a printer yet it won’t let me cuz the service wont’ stay running. ug now i gotta format and start fresh
this belongs in the daily beef
or it could be a warning to not run out and grab the newest service pack as it did the same print spooler error on my laptop as well
service pack 4 is not the newest! it’s the oldest! sounds like she’s been out of date for quite a while.
go to xp on a home machine.
no i had just put 2k on because her computer was all messed up from spyware and crap nothing was working so i threw on my copy of 2k that i use and went to microsoft update and did the auto feature and it downloaded SP4 and said that 1,2,3 were included i figured it was the newest as there was no option for me to go higher. i guess i’ll put xp on if i can find my cd
service pack 4 has been out for like 2 years now and is very stable. What did you fuck up and are trying to blame on a service pack is the real question?
yeah i fucked it up, i said install and reboot and immediatly got a spoolsv.exe error
must be all that country music.

you’re so right though. Country music does suck.