windows xp opening screen help...

I have a copy of XP pro but its in Russian. I uploaded the thing on my comp but the opening screen is all russian. Its the screen that i assume asks if you want to wipe your HD clean or install XP with files that are already on your computer. I want a fresh install but cant read Russian. Can anyone help me choose the right line to choose(2nd one down, third one down etc) I assume that every screen is setup the same way just different languages. I searched google and have only screen shots of the actual setup not the screen im looking for. If worse comes to worse i can re-setup and take a pic and leave it be and upload from a different comp and get the thing translated. I figure someone knows the screen im talking about. thanks for your help guys!

Why russian, this is funny.

I’m going to take a stab at it… you downloaded a torrent of windows XP and failed to notice that it was in russian. You then burned it to cd with your computer that you planned on installing the new XP to, which also happened to be your only computer with a CD burner. Which means you’ve already thought of downloading and burning the english version, but you can’t do that until you’re able to get an operating system on your now-russian brick.

i hope i’m right, that’d be really exciting.

This sounds like something 4chan would do for shits and giggles

dead on. I like the Russian brick analogy.

or depending on your location i could burn a copy of the xp pro in english that i have and your problems would be solved.

i just giggled.

lol, stupid nfos with language specification, no need for them

Your realize that if you manage to select the right options to reformat, you will end up with your entire computer being in Russian right?

yeah. i reconfigured the language setting and its in english now but i wanted to wipe my hd clean and didnt know he option to choose.


I’m not laughing at you, i’m just laughing that I was right.

Anyway… So you figured it out?

Here is a laptop I worked on completely in Hungarian (on purpose)

Why do people not get good copies of Windows XP? Why even bother with XP go get 7.

did you attempt to triforce?

isnt that from Zelda?