im sick of vista. and want XP back

ok im never sure what torrent to DL when i look for one. can someone stear me in the right direction. looking for a good copy of XP with a Crack.

Just install Windows 7.

key is slip streamed into it. I have used this one myself and it works.

PM me for details. I have XP lite. It has nothing but the operating system on it. No media player. Nothing.

or fix all that crap try

no thats ok maybe ill buy it when it really comes out

i dont have a account :frowning:

i agree i hate vista, i would love to have xp again

ill pm you an invite

what is this and what does it do

its linux.
its another type of operating system.

ooo i get it


What is so bad about Vista?

I personally love it. I hated it when it first came out but after buying a higher speed laptop, it runs great.

Its new so that is probably why someone doesnt like it.

agreed. i was never big on vista after only seeing it and using it a few times. i just built another computer last week and installed vista ultimate on it and i love it.

On a new machine I’d love it. But I don’t have a video card and 2 gigs ram, I’m using ultamate and it’s just running a little to slow for my taste. So back to xp I go till windows 7 comes out

Ugghh… I cant wait for the real release!

ahhh ok…thats understandable

I think my project this week is to get a sweet linux install back on my laptop and play with Windows 7