Download Free Legal Copy of Windows 7 beta ( 32 bit or 64 bit ) tomorrow from MS

Everything I’ve read from people testing the betas say it’s the most stable beta MS OS they’ve seen, and that performance runs circles around XP and vista. I will be checking this out tomorrow. License good til 8/1/09 :tup:

who wants it if its legal? That said, I’m going to try it

I might try this out. Any reading about driver support? The Vista beta had almost none so you couldn’t get a real feel for the system on most setups.

I was just about to post this. If I ever get my computer to turn back on, I will install this.

includes all drivers from Vista SP1. I’m going to try x64, as opposed to my 32 bit vista install, so hopefully I don’t run into any problems.

I’m downloading it right now from MSDN. Going on the laptop tonight. :tup:

EDIT - only reason to go x64 is if you have more than 3GB of RAM in your machine.

Hmm, a beta operating system from Microsoft. Running that would rank right up there on the fun scale with slamming my wang in a car door.

I won’t even upgrade to an MS OS until the first service pack comes out for the official release.

yep, tired of wasting my 4 gigs.
And jay, independent reviews so far say this thing is pretty much a rock solid release candidate, moreso than vista even, and nothing like the Longhorn clusterfuck.

I’ve heard from multiple sources that this beta is actually quite good. I’m interested to see how it works with all of my apps and how well it runs on various hardware.

hopefully I can get this on a VM!! I love downloading VM appliances.

so what happens when it expires? do you reinstall vista (on my laptop)? what about all your programs and junk?

installing this in a few minutes. just waiting for the iso to burn

Ya I run Vista 64 bit now and have my 64bit drivers. If it all works with Windows 7 I will give it a shot.

I love my 4GB of DDR3 RAM :slight_smile:

Are you guys downloading the legal version of 64 bit yet?

maybe i’ll actually build a new computer that is worth a shit if this OS proves to be as solid as XP has been for me

To be honest, I hated Vista when it first came out but I love it with SP1. I run the 64bit version and with all my drivers it works great. Uses a bit more RAM but on my core 2 duo and 4gb I have 0 issues

We have this on a VM at work already (through TechNet) and I have to say. it has been quite stable and reliable. I haven’t heard much about driver issues yet (given that its highly based on vista I don’t think this will be too much of a problem) It is quite quick. We have it set up with a gig of ram and it runs just as well as any XP machine I have seen with a gig. I’ll probably be loading it to a laptop soon enough to try it on a real PC.

Am I crazy for thinking its time they added tabbed browsing into Explorer?

thanks for the heads up… gonna give it a go on vmware :tup:

does it still use aero? I read a while back that they were offloading that from the GPU to the CPU?

It does use aero, but the score for it is too low to run on the VM, which is part of the reason I want to run it on the laptop. It looks like it uses the graphics card, given that they are both the same “Experience Rating”

are you using VMware? The latest version has support for GPU acceleration (not sure if you’ve tried it or not, but it may be worth a shot… it doesn’t work all that great)

for anyone that doesn’t want to wait until tomorrow to play around with it

I found it on usenet. Probably will be downloading the 64 bit edition tonight and give it a go this weekend for something to do. It doesn’t work with my HDMI port and its going out the window