How can you not

Enjoy a nice fresh install of windows. I personally love it to clean everything from downloading programs and installing/updating or upgrading to new programs all the time

what os’s do people run here? I run vista 64 ultimate. I will never go back to xp vista’s features are awesome if used and tweaked properly.

if tweaked properly vista is good i find shes a bit rough still to new i rock xp my brother works for mac so hes got one of them the thing is awesome i might have to get one

i use to run Linux but that got in the way with other programs i needed to run. now i have xp…with a vista look a like pack on it lool. and i have not reformatted my computer in about 7 years, still kicking amd 64 bit

Vista x64 here. It’s been running fine although I can’t stand all the 32-bit trying to install to C : \ Program Files (0x86) \ :run:

Been a year since I installed it. Feel like doing a spring cleaning soon. But yea like you, I generally do a new install every 6-8mon :o

OS-X 10.5.5, I won’t update to 10.5.6 so I can jailbreak my touch.

I’m probably going to run Linux on my new W400 and virtualize XP

i also do it 6-8 months and it always runs beautiful for a couple of months after im running xp but ive been thinking of switching to vista anything to look out for with vista??


Good processor 64 bit is a must
good graphics card 256 dedicated. 512 ideally
and at least 4gigs of ram. on 4gigs vista uses half its resources. But bare in mind xp was also a memory hog when it came out. And its a memory hog so it can be quicker on loading applications. actually im at 37% resources. But as soon as i install adobe cs4 and some other things it will be around 45-50%

EDIT the most important thing to running vista is this

Download Windows tune up utilities 2009. Its the best way to tweak vista

Yeah, fresh instals are at least good for making your system feel fresh… 6-8 months for me. Just switched to vista ultimate… Still learning it though… I loved Xp, we’ll see.

i dont know how familiar u are with it so far. but for sure download tune up utilities and take UAC off

start menu>control panel>User accounts and family>User accounts>turn user account control on or off.

most annoying usless security feature gone.

I’m a mac owner as of mid '08, however, during highschool many tasks were done on a mac, and currently my program at Seneca@York is based on macs, so I’m quite familiar with it.

I run a separate partition on my macbook pro, for XP. It allows me to view the OS as a different screen, and I’ve also got it setup on the “Spaces” feature for mac. A simple 2 combo button and I swap over to the next page running a different OS.

Personally I find my mac runs XP better than my original custom built computer, but at the same time it does have its flaws. I mainly use it for the vinyl company, seeing as how my program doesn’t work with mac.

Good non the less.

Using 64-bit Home Premium Vista on the Laptop, 64-bit Business Vista on my Desktop. I also have Windows 7 Beta on my desktop. It’s nice, but I made its partition too small, so I don’t have any space for games really, lolz.

How is windows 7? Any great improvements?

Do you guys image your fresh installs?

You could shorten the process by taking a drive snapshot and just restore it to get that clean crisp feeling again.

download Hirens Boot CD…

Images are KEY!!!

I would pull my hair out if I had to completely install windows every time I needed to reformat my desktop.

Norton Ghost is good for images as well.

Mike…no one here cares about your Mac. Leave us PC guys alone.

Rob, I know what you mean… it’s always nice to do a format and everything will be nice and fresh again. What’s so bad about XP?

I’ve been running Windows XP (32bit) but I wanna try running the 64bit version as my computer is pretty decent. But if it ain’t broken, I’m not going to fix it. :slight_smile:

Newb question but how exactly do these images work? Does it install all the programs you previously had…i.e. WinRar, Winamp, and whatever else I have on my computer?

I’ve always had to format, install windows, and then install all my programs manually.

OS X 10.5.6 on the macbook pro, Gotta love the staff discounts

i just really enjoy the layout of vista. The sidebar is awesome. The search menu in the start up button is key. The effects and aero package if your computer can handle it are pretty sweet aswell.

But i see what u mean about if it aint broke u arent going to fix it. Some of us are just computer nerds and like to have fresh starts lol.

Images afaik are like a restore point on your computer. it brings u back to that point with how ever your computer was set up. Correct me if im wrong.

Speed, UI improvements/tweaks, security, etc. If you have vista, maybe do an upgrade, but it isn’t essential. If you have XP, I’d probably upgrade when it comes out.

There isn’t anything “wrong” with XP from an interface standpoint, but it has some security issues that they mostly tied up with Vista. MS is a good company and will throw tons of money at their current products to keep them up to date, but not so much their dated products like XP. XP support is over essentially, and I’d move on, unless your computer is a total POS< in which case you need a new computer ;).

If you have an old hard drive laying around, plug it in and throw Windows 7 on it, or even just check out the screenshots online, it’s a nice looking OS.

Overall I like vista more than XP, and in games it seems like my shots are hitting better than they were for XP (In fps games, and I don’t know why this is either, it’s just something I saw).

thats the other great thing about windows vista. Direct X 10 baby! the most realistic graphics yet for online gaming.