Winter Classic

I won 2 tickets for the Winter classic to see the Pens vs. Sabres through the season ticket holder lottery drawing…

anyone else going???

nope, but i seen you today on 65 this morning and you didnt want to race the box truck :frowning:

haha, i worked 16hrs 3p-7a, i was just trying to get home to sleep…

smort and ryan are going too :grr:

no shit… thats cool, ya its either me and my dad or me and my roomate… depends if my dad can go or not…

o ya. i forgot… i’m going. :doh:

ill go, that way you dont have to worry about asking your dad or roomate if they want.

dads already taking the ticket, so me him my mom and kasey are all going…

im taking a case of miller lite up and bribing him to stay home


me my girlfriend and 2 other friends will be up there too i think sec 108 i cnat remember

im in 307 row 16

im in 112, row 1, seats 1-12 :slight_smile:

I’m so damn jealous of all of you.