Winter Decals!

Winter Beater!

Available in any size!
Colors: Red, Blue, Black, White(white), Green, Silver

Snow Plow!

Available in any size!
Colors: Red, Blue, Black, White(white), Green, Silver

Doing these again Mike? I’m down for a winterbeater one.

Would like the winterbeater one but could you move the snow flake to be set in the center of the writing?

Joey - Yessir
Turbo_Crazy - PM me the size and color you want (Joey same thing)

Mike, could/would you make a sticker with a lifted truck drifting throwin snow all over…that says “drift truck!?!”

Maybe that is a shitty idea…I need more time lol. But I WANT a sticker for me truck this year. Just not sure what.

I need somethin wicked for the windshield.

Yea, I can make anything Chris lol.

red winterbeater please

How much for a Winterbeater in white?

Idk how the sizes work.

If you make that drift truck one im down!

I’ve tried a couple things so far but it’s stupid hard to make a pickup LOOK like it’s drifting when it’s been vectored.

Here’s a vinyl safe result I’ve come up with.
Let me know if your feeling it or not, was kinda quick.

HAHA! That is sick!!!

Just add a question mark to the end of it. I’m sold.

no mjs?

son240 stickers martino ?

What size and color do you want it in Chris?
Pm me the color and Size (length in inches)

Sorry Andrew, haven’t had time to re-do that pic you sent me.
Been busy with school and what not. The truck took me a couple seconds lol.

Bing has them.
However, not my versions.

that drift truck one turned out pritty good lol ill pm with size for sure ha!

Sorry for the delay I will send you sizing tomorrow with what colors and how many.

i need a yukon

Will do.

k no rush

Price mike? I dont want anything huge