Ask SSmokin SS about my trunk, an easy 200lbs worth of ridiculous at any given time. Helps with weight transfer :lol
If anything ever comes of this I may be able to rent the community house at my complex for said meet if so desired. Place can seat prolly 75-100 people and its free to rent.
Can we bring strippers there?
Can we do lines of blow off the strippers foreheads while we rail them out?
Yes to all
what are you gay? if im gettin strippers and blow, shits gettin crazy!
current snow bank king is out of order
i got the cutty lololol ill decimate allllllllllllllllllllllllllll
green machine II is ready for deployment tho…
im down for running over everyone with the m1028 hehe
I’m down for anything really. Nick is this Evo the black one with exhaust?
I’ll run him sometime soon
Yep. The one with the spoiler. If youd accept me on facebook you could see it you queer.
what part of this statement makes you question my sexuality?
bc who blows lines off a hookers forehead? gotta do it off her ass or something along those lines
pretty sure thats what he ment
How do you bend down to blow lines off her ass while you are railing her out? That would mean you would be able to suck your own dick, therefore making YOU gay. I’m just being realistic here, jeez.
thats why you do it off her ass or tits before you fuck her brains out for a few hours :rofl I’m just fuckin with ya chuck!
Can we please get a Shift Ski trip going again before I leave 518?
time and place and im there… went to Whiteface Sunday and Gore Today…
looking to go to stratton/okemo/jay peak or something along those lines asap!
who blows lines anyways??