Winter Shift Meet



word, we def need to set something up as myself and alot of people are gonna be back in school in 2 weeks :cry:


for sure, i start school back up in 2 weeks. (last semester FTW!) but ive went with alpineskiier a few times. i know GD3, Caz, and a bunch of other people on here ski, just have to find some time!

I’ll be at Mt. Snow thursday to sunday. Come chill.

hmm how tempting… ive always wanted to go there too

I like playing in the pow pow… Recreational that is.

Sleds and skis! haha

I will be there on sunday, first day of season.

i’ll be going somewhere on thursday as my knee is almost 100 percent.

I do .


yeah, blowing them is kinda the opposite of whats done with them

so is this happening or is it going to be another fail like the fall cruise :lol

side note: beginning of the week i was at justins on lark street watching my friends band play and a guy came up to my friend outside and said he just blew a line of coke, then said he was too “coked up” and couldn’t do anymore and handed my friend a little paper bag, filled with white powder…i dont know if it was real or not…

Lol I know a lotttt of regulars who are always down at Justins/dejohns etc who are really into the white stuff.

Hahah, no wonder why your always sniffing…:ninja

Ill be at smuggs mon- friday next week. Ill go somewhere friday if i can shake this cold.

only one way to find out.

correct. Sell it to Leonidas.
