I called NIMO at 10pm last night to give them a heads up about the pine tree in my front yard drooping heavily on the power lines. I still had power at that point, but disaster was eminent. Then 12:30am comes along and I was awoken several very bright flashes (lit up the entire house) and very loud pops… there goes the power :(. fucking pine tree. Up all night with the sounds of big branches snapping and bouncing off my roof. Fucking fuck.
My bro’s dentist in Schenectady is without power. My grandparents in Schenectady lost cable but I believe they still have power. My dad left for work and said the roads were absolutely disastrous… I should have let him take my car with the Blizzaks but he left before I woke up to even mention it to him.
Snowing heavy in Latham…and me and my neighbors are the ONLY ones in my neighborhood that has power :rofl New houses in an old neighborhood ftw. Separate source of power or something :haha
ive got everything hear in schenectady but a huge ass branch almost hit the camaro, i gotta see if i can get it in the garage today but i dont think it will move