Winter Volleyball. YEEEEA

YEEEEEA softball is almost over and winter volleyball is HERE!

Im ready for some bump, set, bumps. I would say spike but we suck.

anyone else playing volleyball this winter?

I am playing at the Y in Binghamton. It’s good to get out and do something especially when it’s cold. My team sucks right now too, but we are getting better.

I’ll be at Center Court Sports. I’ll probably have a different team than I have now though.


anyone else playing?

sorry to bump an old thread but I’d like to know where people are playing this year? I currently play intramurals at school, and the winter league at holiday’s but it’s very expensive. Looking for other, more cheaper events to get into. - Should get you the information you need.

I play at Holiday’s on Mondays and Wednesdays, and should be starting the next session at IV Stallions as well. I typically play in at least 2 leagues at a time all year long.

I am tall and like to drink if anyone needs a player. No expert but not embarrassing.

anyone need a player on their team? I am currently looking to pick up more nights to play

I play at Holidays on Mondays with my girlfriend. We’re on a team that is so-so, but the two of us are decent. She played in college and I have been playing for years along with her. :slight_smile:

We are always looking for a second day of the week to play, if anyone needs another guy/girl to join them. We are competitive, so please don’t be an “I hit the ball with open palms and wonder why they called a carry” team. We bump, set, spike and don’t F around.

Do you play Rec or Intermediate?

nyspeed volleyball team ftw?

^^ I would be up for a rec league that involves drinking.

Sadly, it’s rec. We would love to switch to intermediate, but it’s hard to find players to form a team and the other four people on our team … just, nope. I know of a few people that always say “maybe”, but they want the entire team formed before they even decide… so, it never happens.

I 've been playing for about 5yrs :slight_smile: Good game. Middle hitter/blocker

I’ve been playing at rose garden all summer, going back to stallions for winter… but B league only has 4 teams. They may cancel it.

If anyone has a co-ed team that wants to play Intermediate B let me know. Its $300 and $10/wk ref fees.