
No snow here yet. Luckily.

for the record, your a fucking bitch and are always bitching about something go DIAF

Hopefully we don’t get too much snow. I decided not to drop the cash to get winter wheels and tires for the 3 which has low pros and 17" wheels. From what I hear it sucks in the snow. So our plan is that whenever there is snow, I will drive the 4WD Element to work, and my wife will take the 3 since she just has to drive down the street to the trolley stop to get to work.

you suck at the e-thugging, try again after a little more practice :yawn:

and DIAF wouldn’t be too bad, at least I would be warm.

No e-thuggin, not worth it nor is it justifiable. Your just an idiot, plain and simple

damn! you guys are on the ball! I still have to purchase bindings and get my stuff mounted. Snowshoe plans to open the 21st and has been blowing btw.

the wind out there sucks. I don’t mind the cold, or the snow, but dang 20+mph wind sucks!


Got that email today from Snowshoe. Holiday Valley is covered, but it will melt before they kick it in. I just came back from Erie for work and they got it pretty good.
I’ve not been at it as much in the last two years because I had knee reconstruction, but I got a new don-joy brace and the go-ahead from my ortho surgeon, so I got my season pass pic taken a few weeks ago and I will be up there at the springs when the ropes go down.

Snowed pretty hard in ebensburgh. Didnt see any all day until that.
Horse shoe curve was nasty windy also

my 02 cents

That stretch of 22 heading down to Altoona where the signs are blinking “Dangerous Cross Winds”… they aren’t kidding when they say that.

ok let me know what day

fuck snow

Great…I’ll be coming back home that way :rant:

Bllaahhhhhh I HATE winter. its always cold and grey here, so depressing. I was looking around on wiki one day at cities in europe and saw that we have a substantial amount more percipitation all yr than freakin london, i thought it was always dreary there haha. Pittsburgh weather generally sucks.

ive had snow tires in my trunk/backseat for 2 weeks. Guess I need to get them on. And I know once I put them on my dad will let me borrow the truck for the winter.

Hopefully this is a sign of a snowy winter. I really want to get back to skiing more than once every two years. It’s gonna suck swapping my summer tires for the winters though.

Snowy winter FTL. I need to go south. Haha

Me too, I’ve been living here for too long.


Johnstown has a dusting of snow on the ground. Shaffer Mtn on Route 56 towards Bedford had to be plowed this morning. (2" or so)