
Starts tomorrow

its snowing…:frowning:

ghey. So who wants to ice skating!@


it was snowing last night here in Indiana :gives:

glad we have a resident meteorologist here at pittspeed. :slight_smile: in all honesty though…I miss the burgh. I can deal without the cold weather though. I was playing softball last night and it was 51 and I was freezing…doesnt take long to get used to warmer climates.

waaaaaahhhhh, it’s not cold enough there…:stick: You come back here,…you’ll move back there in two weeks…

Snowed a little bit here in state college last night and this morning. Stock wheels and snow tires time very soon.

LOL, i’ll be down in a couple days Joel.

Winter, what I dislike:
Bad Drivers
Windscreen pits from flung-up rocks/salt/cinders/etc.

What I like:
RWD parking lot donuts

That’s about it. My goal is to eventually abolish winter permanently from my life. I guess I’ll just need more HP (or the no-ESP mod on the Charger) to do donuts without snow I guess! :slight_smile:

it is snowing here it sucks bad

I love snow, because when the snow falls the shit starts…on pittspeed. BENCH RACING SEASON IS HERE!!!

LOL I drove thru some flurries this afternoon…boo snow, hooray beer!

My feeling is that if it’s going to be cold, I hope it snows all the time. Cold, gray, and rainy or dreary sucks. Snow is awesome.
Got my board and bindings all cleaned up last night while watching the football game.
Can’t wait to hit the slopes.

:heart: being able to leave a case outside for that true ice cold freshness :beer:


lol did that last night…

I second that. Just tuned mine the other day.

fuck snow
fuck winter
fuck cold weather
