Wire Wheels


Yes, those are wire wheels on a Camaro. Sorry about the picture its off my Razr


your best post to date :slight_smile:

A little bit of me died with that.



good pic for a celly :slight_smile:

why are you following me around and taking pics

looks better than the reverse 13 inch wires on the hell camino… that thing was so fun to drive–hood rat style.

he may have wire wheels, but you still have no liscense, a 4cyl mustang, and daddy wont let you swap a v8. so id have to say you have a little less going for you than he does


Was that picture taken from your bicycle?

Ok i am 14 so what? I try to post something funny and you bust my balls about it. You know what when i get to be your age i hope am not a asshole like you.

:rofl: :rofl:


ok i can’t drive, so what? i don’t care if you all bust my balls. i am on here to learn more about cars and meet some cool people. i though some people would like that post, but some people have to be dickheads about it.

Just agree you like boobies

ok i agree
I ride a bike, but i was walking when i toke this pic
I can’t drive and i do have a 4-banger mustang
that all is true


STFU before you get yourself in trouble…

That’s great. Have any older sisters?