Wireless Router

Whatever you have… doesn’t matter much.
as long as it has 3 wired outputs + wireless.

WRT56G preferred.
but idc!
need one asap.
cash in handddd.

I have about 6 right now.
Small form, wireless N, etc.
PM me if interested:

WRT54g, WRT54gc, etc. I think I had a thread on here.

checked your old threads…
is what i’ll imagine.

Are you in dc? or buff?

Its not exactly what you want but I do have a wireless B you could have for 10.

not particularly, but what model is it?

I mainly want it for wired home networking tbh.
the switch i have now is being finicky.

wireless is just for the gfs laptop/wii.
which… i really don’t give a hoot about how fast that is.