Wiring Diagram for S13 w/ Red-Top SR20DET

Hi Guys-
Just wondering if anyone has access to a wiring diagram for a S13 w/ a red-top SR20DET. Like many first-time SR-swaps, the shop I have doing the swap is having trouble with the wiring and any help would be greatly appreciated. My poor car has been stuck in the shop for 5 weeks now and I’m trying my best to help these guys out. Does anyone have one they are willing to share (or sell) to me? Or even if anyone (or knows anyone) who has experience of doing the wiring for the S13 SR-swap, I’d love to get you involved with the project. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

(Performance Auto & Sound Project S13 Drifter)

Blah blah blah…simple search, which you actually almost solved yourself in that cry out for help up above…“SR swap” yeah go to srswap.com
under SR Install FAQ, wiring diagram…thats all you need my man.
A shop??? ehh dont like that move.
but good luck.

Sorry to offend any of you guys. Maybe I should have placed this thread under the Newbie section. I apologize for any inconvenience. Thank-you so much for the help though.


no worries, just bustin your balls :wink:

give me the shops phone number, i’ll call them and talk to them about it, glad to help out. email me at sanis@sequence-garage.com if you want to discuss further, thanks.

The wiring diagram for the S13 SR20DET doesn’t seem to exist… at least I reached end the end of the web before finding it :slight_smile:

The Japanese S13 SR20DET FSM has individual systems outlined on many many pages, and of course it’s in Japanese. I have some of these, luckily schematics and symbols are a universal language.

I’m sure I could help you out if you have specific questions, but I don’t have a schematic I can just share with you… I have a pile of info I’ve got from all over the place which I reference back and forth everytime I run into something different.

BTW… didn’t we talk in July about your swap? I thought you needed it done by early Sept for a drift event?


Thanks for all the help gentlemen. I’ve been away for the past couple of days at the PRI show in Indianapolis, IN and it was great to see my email filled up with plenty of responses helping me out. I’m proud to announce that Project S13 is alive. The car was started today and was taken for a couple laps around the block by my techs. I’ll be checking it out tomorrow. I can’t wait to see it. Thanks again!
