Wiring problems

hey guys im screwing around with my wiring and I’ve ran into the following problems

  1. what order does the rpm signal go from tranny - cluster - ecu ? when it goes from tranny, does it go to cluster first, than ecu, or vice versa ?

  2. where is the gear position selector, does the ecu even know which gear its in ? im sure it does

  3. does anyone have the wiring diagram for these, I cant seem to find them in the FSM, im trying to locate the signal wires

let me know, thanks.

  1. it goes everywhere at the same time.
  2. there are three of them on the tranny and are totally useless
  3. yes it’s in the fsm, look harder.

rpm signal does not come from the tranny. It comes from the ignition coil.
Go to ignition coil Diagnostic page in FSM and trace the wiring back to cluster/ecu. It splits off to both from a single wire.


It’s a yellow/red wire

I believe you are right Jantos

which FSM do you guys have ?