wiring up a turbo timer

hey guys,
i know this maybe a dumb question but i haven’t does this before (and i hate electrical :P) anyways my 95 240 came with a apexi turbo timer in the car but it never worked properly. it has main power and it counts down when the key is turned off but the car doesn’t keep running. Seeing that i didnt wire it up im not sure how the old owner did it. So im going to look at taking it out and starting from scratch. I was looking for someone who maybe able to give a few pointers or who has a wiring diagram handy, thanks for ur help in advance. Oh and the car does have a black Top SR installed.


Apexi should have the instructions and wiiring schematics on their website.

have a look there.

If you still haven’t figured it out yet, PM me and I’ll walk you through it.