Wish me luck

come january I will be taking the test to try and get into the state police :tounge: woooohooooooooooo u fawkers will be done if I get accepted :gaysex:

that test is hard… from what my brother’s friend said… he passed it but is also straight up smart as hell…

good luck… we need some decent statecops…

sams not smart, just has common sense :kekegay:

ohh no if hes like the MP cops itll still be safe for domestic cars to roam the streets being loud and stupid :slight_smile:

thats in january: its July, did i miss something :stick:

good thread to whore

that flip looked like it hurt a little

just a tad, ask jeff95ta. i thought that was him :slight_smile:

my boss’s son in the reserves just took the test…he said it wasnt hard…go to the library there might be a study guide…

god luck ass hole :kekegay: