Witnessed a gay hookup

And it wasn’t a broad.

I was out with the wife for one of her co-workers birthday. We started off at a bowling alley (not your typical bowling alley; dress code and shit) in Manhattan. Bowled a game and had a few drinks and I met a few of her co-workers.

This one d00d who we will call Jimmy was there and Crystal really likes him. So, I am being social and shit and I am admiring his jeans. I was told they are like $400. I am trying to figure out if they cost more than $10 to make… I doubt it… Anyhow, he is a really nice guy but even Ray Charles can see he likes taint.

So, we go off to some Jap Karaoke Bar which I fucking hate. I can’t sing and neither can 99.999999999% of the people that do Karaoke. Why try? Anyhow, so Crystal goes off to talk to a few people and I am mingling with a few broads. I have absolutely no game here because 1) They are all engaged/married 2) Know Crystal and I been together since the 70s.

All of a sudden, a Josh Gruben (American Idol) love song comes on and the this fucking ringer comes on. He is like a professional Karaoke guy. So, he is doing his song with a bit of a dance and swaying his hips and shit about 2 feet from me. I am in the corner with my Jager and it’s a bit uncomfortable because I can’t turn so it might my balls against his ass unless I jack him. He stays his ground but I need something to look at. The ONLY thing next to me was Jimmy talking to some other dood we will call Michael. So, they are flirting and shit and I am like WTF. I am curious though so I listen in a bit… I can’t hear much but it’s weird because it was like a male/female flirt. I think Jimmy took on the role of the broad… I am getting a bit sickened by everything and I am trapped… I get on my BB and text the wife: Get the fuck over here. They are about to such each other off

She comes over about 5 min later but I was lucky enough to see them walk out together. :ahh

thinking with his dip stick

Lmao great read.

That dick wasn’t gonna suck itself :rofl

Looks like you had a AWESOME time

You sound a bit excited. Do you want me to get his # for you? :eek3

Shawn are you from GF? your Sig photo that car looks so familiar to me I just cant remember from where though

Glenns Falls? No.

I live in Bronxville in Westchester County near NYC.

I’ve seen like a TON of this car here with the same color.

ahh well then there is someone up here with the same car in your sig

Oh that car. Yea, that’s the pimp mobile.

hell yea it gets em wet. more so than camaros

QFT - The ladies can’t get enough of those E36 drivers man.

Shawn I am disappointed in you. You’re older I would expect you to know and follow the rule that you never spend time with your wifes friends ever under any circumstances.

I have never fit in or gotten along with any of my significant others friends. Its always a bad awkward situation and generally i can always always come out on top of a social event

so by “Jimmy” you really mean “Sully”

My GF is an ex sorority girl and an attorney. So, typically they are hot and/or rich broads. But, joke is on me this time. :tongue

Yeah but see that situation still really only benefits you if your GF is a slut and you do not care about her enough to have threesomes, foursomes, and so on.

After nearly 9 years with the same girl, a bit of eye candy is more valuable than you think. Point well taken tho. :slight_smile: