I was out with the wife for one of her co-workers birthday. We started off at a bowling alley (not your typical bowling alley; dress code and shit) in Manhattan. Bowled a game and had a few drinks and I met a few of her co-workers.
This one d00d who we will call Jimmy was there and Crystal really likes him. So, I am being social and shit and I am admiring his jeans. I was told they are like $400. I am trying to figure out if they cost more than $10 to make… I doubt it… Anyhow, he is a really nice guy but even Ray Charles can see he likes taint.
So, we go off to some Jap Karaoke Bar which I fucking hate. I can’t sing and neither can 99.999999999% of the people that do Karaoke. Why try? Anyhow, so Crystal goes off to talk to a few people and I am mingling with a few broads. I have absolutely no game here because 1) They are all engaged/married 2) Know Crystal and I been together since the 70s.
All of a sudden, a Josh Gruben (American Idol) love song comes on and the this fucking ringer comes on. He is like a professional Karaoke guy. So, he is doing his song with a bit of a dance and swaying his hips and shit about 2 feet from me. I am in the corner with my Jager and it’s a bit uncomfortable because I can’t turn so it might my balls against his ass unless I jack him. He stays his ground but I need something to look at. The ONLY thing next to me was Jimmy talking to some other dood we will call Michael. So, they are flirting and shit and I am like WTF. I am curious though so I listen in a bit… I can’t hear much but it’s weird because it was like a male/female flirt. I think Jimmy took on the role of the broad… I am getting a bit sickened by everything and I am trapped… I get on my BB and text the wife: Get the fuck over here. They are about to such each other off
She comes over about 5 min later but I was lucky enough to see them walk out together. :ahh
Shawn I am disappointed in you. You’re older I would expect you to know and follow the rule that you never spend time with your wifes friends ever under any circumstances.
I have never fit in or gotten along with any of my significant others friends. Its always a bad awkward situation and generally i can always always come out on top of a social event
Yeah but see that situation still really only benefits you if your GF is a slut and you do not care about her enough to have threesomes, foursomes, and so on.