Wndows Home Server 2011

two previous threads on the last iteration of WHS but looking for takes on new version.

Three points:
1.)noticed via slickdeals that M$ has really dropped the price on this ($50 OEM) which doesn’t bode well.
2.) seems to make for very easy integration for home media server but also home backup (imaging and resource sharing)
3.) whats it do that I cant do with Win7 as far as point #2 is concerned?

I have a couple of home use desktops, an HTPC, a laptop, and a couple of anroid handsets. Currently use my desktop as a “central server” to feed HD video, music, and a couple program resources to the other items.

I remember when this came out as Home Server 08(?). Nothing to write home about so not sure how this compares but it was a big central media server that can share and backup laptops. It seemed like some cool ideas but most of the useful stuff it did was bloated with MS garbage so it was easier to have a standard *nix/Windows PC that used open source tools for syncing and streaming.

They dropped Drive Extender which in my opinion was the only redeeming worthwhile feature it offered.

Wrong, Home Server was basically Server 2003 (the original one) with some of the more enterprise advanced feature set striped out, it also had a simply gui for many tasks and had Drive Extender which was a Rad alternative that offered redundancy at great price point, they dropped it in 2011.

Additionally when doing CIFS Windows Home Server excels versus any NIX alternative and many NAS type appliances, in terms of pure performance.