Woman marries Dolphin

WTF!!! I was just watching the news…a woman in Isreal married a dolphin.

“Im just waiting for everybody to leave so we could have some private time tegether”.

wtf is wrong with people? lol…we wont allow same sex marrage and they alow Interspecies marrage…is it just me or is that funny as hell.


dolphins will hump anything

well, i beleive that dolphins are the only other species that has sex for fun … so i guess she picked the right species to marry

if she as lesbo she coulda married a penguin …

they don’t call it a blowhole for nothing. :tup:

You are 100% correct. Sex for fun is great. :tup:

I like the last line :slight_smile:


British tourist Sharon Tendler has finally made her dream match - by “marrying” a dolphin she has been visiting for 15 years in the Israeli resort of Eilat, the mass-circulation Yediot Ahronot daily reported today.

Ms Tendler, 41, has been visiting the city on the Gulf of Aqaba two or three times a year to spend time with her 35-year-old underwater sweetheart.

“The peace and tranquility under water, and his love, would calm me down,” the Israeli daily quoted her as saying.

Last week, Ms Tendler finally plucked up the courage to ask the dolphin’s trainer for the mammal’s fin in marriage.

The wedding took place on Wednesday, with the bride - wearing a white dress and watched by amazed spectators - walking down the dock to where the groom was waiting in the water.

She kissed him, to the cheers of the spectators and then, after the ceremony was sealed with some mackerels, was tossed into the water so she could swim away with her new husband.

“I’m the happiest girl on earth,” the bride was quoted as saying.

“I made a dream come true. And I am not a pervert.”

I love how she adds the “And I am not a pervert.” at the end of that… :lol:

so is anything like that episode of South Park where Kyle’s dad got a dolphinoplasty?

ppl are fucked