Women's cellphone volumes.. is it just me?

or do most of the women you know have their cellphone volumes cranked up to obnoxious volume levels… I always have to tell my gf to turn the damn thing down so I don’t go deaf… my mom’s just went off and I’m pretty sure the neighbors just tried to answer their phones

edit: same w/ my sister too…

they claim it to be because of the whole purse thing… but damn, it DOES come w/ a belt clip!

YES!! Women do that! Shit, mine almost never leaves silent (vibrate) mode.

fucking :word:


And their acutal speaker volume at the headset / handset. I can fucking hear the person on the other end of the phone from 5 feet away… :wtf:

:word: x 1000000… I <3 vibrate… that way if I accidently get service at UB somehow and the phone goes off in class its not a problem…

I don’t know what it is… I just cant stand loud ringers… ecspecially when its quiet… movie theaters, class lecture, library, etc…

i like when speaker phone is on… but they don’t know.

but I have my vol cranked… but I also have a bloo toof earset… so its gott be cranked.

lol mine is never cranked, I always keep it on like the 1st level or so, I don’t like keeping the volume really high…makes my ears hurt.

haha i always leave it on vibrate / silent after 1 unfortunate incident where i made a new ringer from the ying yang twins ‘whisper’ song and it inappropriately went off at a family event

I think vibrate can be more annoying than the ringer itself. In class, and in the theatres, people leave there cellphones on vibrate and don’t turn them off when it starts going vibrating… WE CAN HEAR YOUR PHONE VIBRATING… At least if someone leaves it on they try to turn it off ASAP.

how do you know its not just some chick with a vibrator in her pants

or your buddy with a vibrator in his pants

Ive got my volume cranked. I cant always hear it if I dont, especially at work.


I sit on mine when driving… and when people call, I thank them.

that’s so hot


unless you have a PDA belt clips should be outlawed