Is my phone slowly killing me?

When my cellphone is around any speakers, the speakers will generate short, buzzing noises especially when the phone is about to connect to a call. I always know when i’m about to receive a call cuz speakers will go haywire. However, my buddies’ phones on Verizon/Sprint do not do this to speakers (I have Cingular, dont know if it makes a diff.)

My questions are:
a. Why does this only happen with my phone? Me and 2 friends have literally sat in the same room next to each other receiving and making calls and it only happens to me. I know its not phone specific because I had another phone for 2 days on Cingular and it did the same thing.

b. If my phone is doing all that interfering with speakers, what could it possibly be doing to me?

thx :slight_smile:

it could be interfering with your brain and causing cells to mutate and multiply out of control.

more brain cells = more smarter right? :stuck_out_tongue:

its a cingular thing. Mine does it, my friend’s does it also

^ word.

i also know of a couple people who it does that to.

Mine does it too, and my monitor goes nuts too

TDMA phones do that.

Is your phone on cingular a GSM one?

They do it SOMETIMES…

I use it in my car instead of a ringer…

my cingular used to do that too.

Yeah, I figured it had something to do with gsm.

man i could go for a nice warm cinnabon right down the front of my pants

Mine goes crazy. If I leave it next to my tv, it will randomly mess up the signal on the tv while making this horriable buzzing ticking sound that is extremely loud. Then while on the phone it interfere’s with anything that has a speaker and has power running to it currently, including but not limited to land line phones, boom boxes, televisions, computer speakers. It drives me f’n nuts.

BTW it’s a Cingular phone and has happened with my current phone a Motorolla and my old phone which was a LG. If Cingulars awful reception wasn’t bad enough to never use this service again, it would be the inteference with other speakers.

lol i can see the headlines now


^^with the picture of me holding my razr in the casket


…doctors say they may be too far gone…"

lol my cingular service used to do that aswell… it would screw with TV’s, speakers, radios, moniters, ect… my T-mobil service hasn’t yet though

apparently not


So far no one has given a technical reason for why this only happens with cingular :gotme:

it has something to do with the retro-encabulator