Womens clothing Store...

I am just cruious to see what epople on here really think about this subject. alot of people are like, meh who cares, and some people, like myself, think it rediculous.

needless to say, women’s clothes belong on women…but I think we can be thankful he wasn’t going to the boys dept. some molestering would prolly happen.

Along similar lines, anybody ever notice that they have a “Dress Barn” and “Dress Barn WOMAN” in the plaza off NFB? If Dress Barn Woman is for women, WTF is Dress Barn for? :lol:

^ Cows aka fatties. That’s why they have a whole barn for it.

speaking of fat chick stores, I saw that place called Torrid in the Galleria. Might as well rename it “Hot Topic for fat bitches”

Well maybe since you don’t agree with it yet, for only being 2006 you think you would atleast know how to fucking spell by now.

and what exactly are you trying to say? seriously

The fact that you don’t agree with guys wearing girls jeans. I understand that part, it shouldn’t matter about 2006 or not, but with technology and everything today you would think that you could atleast spell properly.

wtf are u talking about? i didn’t spell anything wrong in my post. and i didn’t say it matters about being 2006, i was quoting what someone else had said. learn how to read

What is your point in calling out someones spelling? Last time I checked the internet is not the place for english or grammar lessons. And nothing he posted is spelled wrong, it is in the context of the internet that people type comon or lol or STFU like you should. Because now I will be watching you with dictionary in hand ready to call you out on any spelling errors you may overlook. Hope you are ready for that. :gtfo:

Gee, talking about spelling, shouldn’t it be girl's jeans…

Should probably be guy’s too. :gotme: I should also probably stop talking, just like how many other people should on this site but never learn. I’m just not going to discuss what I feel cause it will start so much drama and most likely some banning.

Follow your own advice /end

Nope, that was being used as plural, not possesive :wink:

yeah, i suppose my first attempt at an overly sophisticated adult response would be similar

but the inner frat boy in me would be like LOL FAG

my response, therefore, would likely be an average of the two - likely an audible snicker, with a ‘the fuck are you looking at?’ with me just walking away

like an asshole

man, i don’t know. fetter that’s fucking hilarious :slight_smile:

I just wrote a huge fucking response, then I altF4’d myself.

Cliffs: If a fag ever said “What are you looking at” as I am shopping with my female gf, I will slap that bitch in the face, you don’t punch a bitch till after she has a fat lip, it hurts more. Thats bullshit. Aren’t those unisex changing rooms? Does that homo get to try shit on at Victoria’s Secret? Thats fucked up shit.

Society has become way too leanient on the behavior of certain individuals that feel the need to express themselves by being flamer fucking homos. I don’t mind gay people at all, but don’t be a fucking flamer.


I shop there… and it’s NOTHING like Hot topic. They actually have bras that fit me there and jeans that are long enough (jeans everywhere else are too short)

:meh: Ignorance is bliss.

if your a flamer raise a :tdown:

Ahh… I see we found one

everyone stfu ur all closet case homersexuals

hahahaha u fag