Woot of the day-3 FM transmitters 10 bucks!


Thought this was a pretty awesome deal. 3 Belkin FM transmitters that you hook into anything with a 1/8’’ plug (CD player, MP3 player, etc) and broadcast it to your radio! I have the upgraded belkin one and it works great for those of you who dont wan’t to put in an aftermarket stereo but still need your tunes, and for 10 bucks, thats a steal!

read the comments, everyone is saying that it produces static even when close. o.O

Edit: http://www.woot.com/Forums/ViewPost.aspx?PostID=1829735

The basic one does suck i had one that got stolen. the upgraded one is much better

the perfect solution for those who appreciate all the quality FM can provide. really makes those 64 kbps mp3 rock out to the fullest!

Theyre useless. The FCC cracked down on these things a year or so ago and since then they are all forced to be within the specs, and well… Its not enough. Put the thing right next to a good antenna and you still get poor sound. But FM isnt exactly good to begin with anyways.

And its not $10, its $15. 50% more than stated :wink:
Who really needs 3 of them anyways? But $5 each is a good deal.

yep, ever since the FCC cracked down on them they are junk… had alot of upset satellite radio customers when that happened :slight_smile: