WOOT of the day!


I can’t believe you get paid to do that…

looks like a sex toy.

still 44% of these damn things left. i still gotta buy something. no TV for me. i just got an email saying that they ran out before they processed my order. :frowning:


this one could last longer than the vacuum cleaner

hahah who bought the Soyo bluetooth headset for 7.99 and missed out on the same headset + usb bluetooth adapter for $1 more?


mmmmm pistachios

im buying the nuts

you would

yeah fag, btw thanks for getting back to me.

haha, oh shit… didn’t even notice the PM. I’ll get back to you later mang

hahaha kevin bought the nuts


Someone buy these goddamn lighted golf balls. The WOOT OFF must continue!


lol these might have been there the longest

1% left!!!

FINALLY :party2:

if I see one more refurbished sandisk mp3 player…

srsly they suck so badly.

that ELVIS is mine!!