$89 for a ZUNE 30gig on woot



yepp, screw Ipod, I’m getting one. (I’ve never owned/cared to own an IPod either).

I have never used one, is their software proprietary like iTunes? Or is it drop and drag? I need a new mp3 player and that is definitely a good price!

You guys should also note that ifyou buy 2 zunes you get a free travel pack.

it has its own software but its a simple registry edit to make it drag and drop. I love mine and after the firmware upgrades in a few days they will be even sweeter.

I like the travel pack idea.

Rob how good would a Zune be at say the gym compared to a little iPod?

Damn you! in for 3

im not gonna lie they are a little bit bigger than the first gen ipods but they are a little more than an ipod as far as being a good media player. the fm tuner built in adds some size im sure as well as the wifi.

Those are refubished… you can get the brown one on amazon 90$ new

Zen ftw

anybody want to buy another zune wit me to get the travel pack.

i got a black one from their sale a few weeks ago. i really like it. for a hd player…

not as portable as say a nano or simialar. but the screen is big & software is a lot easier for me than itunes.

new firmware should be out this week for wifi music sync. which sounds awesome. they just need to make a indash car controler for it. and lose the proprietary sync cable.

why cant they just use mini usb like everyone else?? even my archos 504 uses a dumb cable /doc im a mp3 player whore…

I bought one from woot when it was $99,still a great deal.Newegg and buy.com also have them for $99.I like the indexing system better than the Ipod.Refurbished = Better than new,refurbs have less failure rates than new units.

Awesome deal.

the new software is pretty slick too BTW, adds the podcasts and the wireless sync feature. Podcasts look great but still have to try the wireless sync.