Recommend me an MP3 player

So my iPod finally died after 3 years. It was an older gen 30GB color photo, so now i’m back out there looking. I know of the usual iPod/Touch, but what other ones are good on the market. I would like a large one (i keep my 30GB filled and usually have more than that), but i may consider a smaller one if the price is decent for the product.


zune seems to be the main option otherwise…I know a few people with them and they love them. Talk to skunkmonkey and see.

I like the iRiver stuff as well

The only nice thing about the iPod is the amount of 3rd party crap that you can buy for it

I fucking love my jailbroken ipod touch

i was looking into that but the 8GB is just so damn expencive i can get a 160G regular iPod for cheaper

If you can still find a first gen zune they are usually pretty cheap. I got mine for $89. Its the 30 gig model and the latest updates gave me all the bells and whistles that the new zunes got (new menus and wirelss sync). The screeen looks great for videos and the software is really simple.

I have a Zen and it’s meh not that great. My roommate had a Zune and loved it. The only thing was it seemed a little bulky but other than that it was easy to use etc.


i LOVE my zune

depending on what your looking for.

ive got a sandisk sansa 2gb flash player. for biking & at the gym.

and a archos 504 for everything else.

got the EX GF a zune and thought it was pretty baddass as well.

but the features on the archos kick the ipod or zunes ass anyday.

Zune seems very bulky to me. I love my iPOD and the battery life has always been good for me.

Get an iPod touch you’ll love it. However storage won’t be the same.

Ipod Touch > *

16gigs is enough to entertain you for quite a while. It is quick and easy to change up the library.

WiFi + amazing video + portability + 3rd party apps = Win

not much different in size than the origional ipod but it has a shit load more features, but yse it is a little larger than the current ipods.

i don’t see an mp3 player

^ my thoughts exactly!

I recently bought a 4gb Sansa from for $50 and its an awesome little MP3 Player.

Expandable via SD memory slot too.

buy my ipod shuffle it is the newer version

i heard zune is pretty good

I just bought dlatones 8gb sansa. Looks good to me, especially for the price. Ill get back to ya though, with some type of “review” when I get it. From what I can tell its much like the nano, just alot cheaper. Oh yea…no itunes needed either. If it doesnt use itunes, its automatically better than an ipod imo.


theres an mp3 player in that picture?

edit: fucking repots… oh well, its true.