Work and being busy

So, I am busy as fark @ work through March 1st.

Some girl who does dick 99% of the time comes up to me and is like, “Hey Val how are things?” I am like busy busy, you know it’s deadline time for me for the next 2 months. She is like, “I am just so bored :sigh:” So, I respond with: I can give you something to do that will help me out greatly! She responds with “No thanks. :not in a rude way:”

I mean WTF? How stupid are people? I am busy running around getting shit done and you tell me how bored you are! I hate some people here @ PITT. There is a good population of lower campus that does dick all day. There is a decent population that works in upper campus and most of these people are doing something at least. (Peterock can attest to this I am sure) This girl should be beaten, at least beat some sense into her.

I know, I know :gives:


I will do work for you! :slight_smile:

I get pretty busy meeting with students, reviewing applications, going to different high schools, doing presentations for large groups. There’s always something to do. But there are days were I do everything i need to do in 4 hours. then just browse the web for the next 4.

there’s also those positions where you’re busy 7 months out of the year then you dont do jack shit for 5.

val sounds like you need a student employee.

named Jenn

HAHA, we have 3 students right now…

Like I said Jenn, I’ll get you a student job if you get in as a registered PITT student. Talk to PETE about that.

I won’t leave my office because I may or may not flip out.
I won’t leave my office because I may or may not flip out.
I won’t leave my office because I may or may not flip out.
I won’t leave my office because I may or may not flip out.
I won’t leave my office because I may or may not flip out.
I won’t leave my office because I may or may not flip out.
I won’t leave my office because I may or may not flip out.

/ok better now :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: I’m sending my application tomorrow looks like… I got the rest of it filled out… now its ready to go! :slight_smile:

pic of girl that does dick :smiley:

haha…I shouldn’t

with todays camra’s phones u should! :moon:


I had it up and removed it :slight_smile:
I don’t want some BS like defamation of character or some ish

white girls are lazy

… so are… only children, rich daughters, the retarded… i’m sure there are more but i’m blanking

I am an only child you tard…

union workers, canadians, bank tellers, indian subway sandwich artists…

i’ll work for pitt…

it shows

Indian subway sandwich artists??? :rofl: