does anyone else?

get really bored at work?


So I’ve been working on my beater site all day… I’m about to start making my own buttons and such for a new theme.

yeah / no… bored doesn’t always mean slow… it’s busy as hell and i need to figure some shit out, but there’s no time… :sad:

no, but i get hungry alot.


there are times when a 10 hour day isn’t long enough and times when I don’t even need to be here, we are in our slow time now and it gets real boring sometimes.

work = teh lose

i do about 4 calls a day (change tires, batteries etc.) talk about boring. i do get in some nice naps though :slight_smile:

work = the win

HELL YEAH. I hardly call it work anymore. I call it boredom time. I just sit here all day an d wait for there to be problems. Since there isn’t any problems other than the common 1D I0T errors, I’m usually forced to sit here and stare at this machine. ho hum, is it 5pm yet?

i know its my 3rd week on the job, but its like there is nothing for me to do unless something is broke and the phones are ringing off the hook

But when it rains, it pours. As soon as something breaks everyone will blame you regardless. Thats just how it is. Sometimes I have ideas of sabotaging the systems just so I have something to do. But if I sabotage it myself… it’s an easy fix. :rofl:

i don’t break anything i just do support and security

nothing for me to break

i wish it was slow here… always something… too bad i’m the guy everyone relies on… makes it tough sometimes.

I work for a pretty small company, so they have me in charge of all the machines here… whether its a PC, a fax machine, printer, walk-man… etc…

yeah… i love when people ask me if i can fix typewriters… LOL … or copy machines… F all that…

when i used to work at a small company i used to do that stuff… but around here i could be doing that all day long.

no,i got sam to fuck with!!!

uuummmmm OK

cough cough HOMO cough cough


u can come over & play!!! :gaysex: :3some:

:hitit: :naughty:

i’m on my way

:cool: :yum:

whitey you need to act like george costanza… just appear busy and pissed all the time @ work, that way ppl will assume you’re overworked and valuable… but secretly, you’ll be able to search porn all day at work and no one will be the wiser.