World Juniors in Buffalo

Ganked Mikey’s pic from facebook…

US / Canada game… 85% Canadians in the crowd :slight_smile:

I realize that American’s don’t care as much about hockey, and with good cause, but it’s still interesting to see the impact on the city.

I was downtown buffalo last night driving around with 6 guys in an SUV. was coming along Division, i think, and went the wrong way through an intersection through a one-way section of street. A city bus was honking at me and had to hit the brakes to avoid a head on collision…

There was a cop sitting right at that intersection.

He immediately pulled out and cherried me.

He came along side the vehicle at the next light. Pearl St.

He didnt even ask for ID or whether i was drinking or not, he simply said… you went down a one way dude… take her easy… walked away.

We were all stunned…

But we had Canadian plates… so… you know :slight_smile:

Buffalo cops only care about murders and parking tickets. Nothing in between.

My buddy was tazed by Buffalo cops that said he was being combative and resisting arrest. he was in fact have a seizure.

Yeah it’s been mostly Canadians at all the games. It’s essentially just Buffalo area fans supporting the US. I haven’t heard of anyone coming from other states to support team USA. Pretty much Buffalo versus all of Canada crowd-wise.

Sad, but hockey just isn’t that big in the states. I personally think there should be a football world championship held yearly just so the US can kick everyone’s ass every year. Hell, the US can use high school players. Everyone else can use whoever they want. It would still be a slaughtering.

But seriously, Canada pwns all in hockey and will win the gold. They have like 8 or 9 players drafted in the first round in the NHL, the US? Only one. That’s nuts!

i’ve been to two games and since i don’t follow hockey anymore i have no clue who anyone is on the ice… i guess it’ll be neat a few years from now to say i saw so and so play in the WJC… or maybe not

what media is out there about the impact to Buffalo with these games?

I know a lot of places have been rammed downtown these past weeks. Pearl St. Grill was a mess yesterday.

My friends wedding reception was at pearl st new years day. It was madness getting there, trying to find parking, and getting to the 4th floor, but after that it was a blast

Um, they have a world football championship every year. You guys should go try sometime, it’d be cute.

If you’re talking about soccer, I recommend immediate ban.

^ standing by with a veto :slight_smile:

there weren’t any games jan 1st

^thats the point, everyone was out for dinner/drinks!

i will back up teh jam here…it was super fucking busy on the first 2 floors of pearl street when we got there at 6 but when i left at 9 it was empty

I was in for a few days around new years, and even at the Duff’s in OP there was a ton of jerseys/hockey fans. Pretty clear most were at the games just before.

looking at box seats at the game for $250 a pop… iono… might go for it… i could bring one of my sons without having to pay for them.

craigslist is floooooooooded