Worst cars found on craigslist

at one point i had my own used car lot haha the buyers didnt seem to care, but the people across from my garage were livid seeing numerous cars without plates sitting around. Finally got the boot from the town…

isnt flipping cars what used car dealers are all about anyway?

I remember going to Northway Auction with my friend when I worked for him and getting a car cheap and putting it out for sale for much more than he paid for it without doing anything but changing the oil. That happened several times.

I usually buy a car for dirt cheap, fix what’s wrong with it, road-break it (daily drive it to make sure nothing else will go wrong with it) drive it for 6 months and then sell it for alot more than I payed for it, my most expensive car was my s14 which I bought for 700 and sold for 2800. I climbed the ladder for a while to get the s14 but then fell back down to the bottom after I sold it so I’m starting all over again

I remember my friend buying a Sable for $400, changing the oil and putting it out for sale for $2500. A guy came up and drove it 3 feet backwards and 3 feet forward and gave hime $2500 for it.

the diff is that dealers can legally do that, they have a license. legally you can only sell five cars a year, providing you actually reg. the car in your name and pay sales tax and all that. I have had ppl get pissed because it was an open title, and my name was never on it.

best thing I did was buy a 94 Cherokee for $500 on a Tuesday night, put it up on cl and had 1500 cash Wednesday night, all I did was take pictures.

People are idiots. Everyone thinks that because you got a good deal on something they should get the same deal. Nothin wrong with flippin cars. The only people that don’t like it are cheap jealous fucks, as has been said. I’ve flipped 7-8 vehicles and the most I ever lost was 100 bucks. Made 400+ on the rest.

Qft +1 to you

lol I bought a 90 cherokee for 700 a few weeks ago. Needed dumb shit like tires, rear bumper, window handles, new rear shocks etc. I already fixed it up and im going to drive it for the winter but in spring I will flip it for much more.

I bought a civic for $500 last year and a few weeks ago I sold it for $1400. 93 ex with 214k



" I have over $10k in aftermarket modifications,"







lol at the pink civic


That s10 was built by a member on here many years ago

in for whatever this is about^!! :number1

i thought it looked familiar

Playz150 on here used to own the red/white/blue one, not sure if he built it or not though.

:rofl :rofl This dude doesn’t know what’s up.

Nope it was D.gage

the paint did come out great…he might not be far off with all kidding aside.