Worst commercial ever?

I really wonder who puts forward money for this shit. If I ever go to this store it will be with a shotty.

This is a real commercial constantly on TV on all the cable channels.



oh look, another one.

What the fuckkkkk. If they didn’t talk so fast in the first one it wouldn’t be THAT bad, but the second one is pathetic. They couldn’t have picked an uglier girl. I threw up in my mouth when she winked. Jesus Christ.

i find it rather hilarious…ive also never seen them before…

i think there in rochester

Yea, sorry I thought I put that in my original post.

:rofl I find it hilarious, but I can see that if I saw them on TV everyday it’d get quite annoying

they compete with fucillo for commercial time :headbang

eh it’s rochester, place should burn to the ground just like buffalo and syracuse…


that would at least warm it up a bit


lol @ him too