pretty sure any girl lies when they are mad.
and virgin sex sucks anyways
pretty sure any girl lies when they are mad.
and virgin sex sucks anyways
angelina jolie has DSL’s
maybe it happened with her too lol but the time i was recalling was someone else. Kinda weird when i logged on and saw all this lol
Eww it does… missionary vaginal sex blows… Give me a girl that likes to get fucked in the ass, will lick my butt, and let me choke her. On top of that… I wanna sit at the bar… and she is with me and have her tell me, that no matter what she says tonight she wants me to fuck her… no matter what… if she resists she is doing on purpose.
NOW THAT IS AWESOME SEX. Its like Rape without the legal problems… Its rape with out the legal problems … its RAPE! WOOOOO
dan, you need help. seriously dude. That is not even cool.
what are you talking about… how is it not cool… she is the one that suggested the idea… and it fucking rocked.
Then after we were done she was like… OMG thats the best I’ve ever had…
Just because you have shitty missionary omg I’m gonna cry afterwords sex with your dog licking your ass doesn’t mean you have to say what I like sucks.
and you know what! If she gets a little bit squirrelly with her fingers… I don’t mind it!
what does it mean if you wake up and the girl is working herself…?
oh yeah.
+1 big boy.
This thread is full of win.
I don’t have strictly missionary. I don’t divulge much but I definitely am not into that weird choking and ass licking shit.
I understand she was acting. I just think it’s a little weird, thats all.
I don’t fuck a girl cause I love her… I fuck a girl to get off… and its not just getting off… its getting the best possible nut off ever… EVERYTIME.
Sometimes It takes a tongue to the butt, or a finger up your ass… (according to studies a dilated asshole increases orgasm strength)… SOOOO FIST ME BABY!!
laughing about this at work…
I don’t know how I feel about the ol’ thumb in the ass trick.
PM me lol I have got just the girl for you.
you are in your 20s its that time to experiment sweety… keep an open mind… and you will find the light
No fatties please. Complete freaks are welcome. No ethnic broads either… I hooked up with a black girl and she was totally crazy… No thanks to that race again
Puerto Rican? She is in the army. Fattie not found.
WOW… She has to be crazy… PM pics?
just beat your cock like you caught it breakin into your house and tell her to stfu lol.
I absolutely <3 ILC
I think we have discussed this before, Had a girl toss in a thumber mid beeJ and really didn’t have any effect besides making me squeeze her thumb hahaha
HAHA I snorted like a pig lol