Would you HIT it?? part 2...

lol the video states that the boy said they had sex over 300 times… as much as every other day

:bsflag: both of you STFU you know damn well you’d both hit it.

i tried…i tried numerous amounts times… my sr year i tried with a few diff teachers didn’t work out for me… the principal knew where i was coming from but also told me that if i didn’t stop he would have to take serious disciplinary action towards me. my luck i saw one after i graduated…got drunk with her danced a little nothing more :frowning:

The finally have all started dieing off, they started getting hired just after I was out of school, the math department at Amherst High knows how to hire.

Has to be something with the baby boom and retirement. Just missing the influx.

I wanna go back :frowning:

She does look a ton better in the vid.
