Would you HIT it?? part 2...



well some 13 year old did it for 3 years.


if I was 13 again yeah. When you’re 13 its great to be gettin laid. Now however…fuck no.


The video on the site shows her to be a lot hotter than those two photos. If I was 13… I’d hit it…


where were these teachers when i was in school???

probably they were in class with you



You know what I mean…I had a bunch of fat old ladies with arm flappy fat.

Not even mildly attractive to a blind man.


yeah I do know

when I was in 2nd grade (about 1984ish) I used to have this teacher who was about 4’9 but man was she brutal and this bitch was so old my father had her for a teacher (30yr age difference between me and him)

We used to have the old wooden flip top desks that the seat was attatched to one side by a rail

She used to fucking duct tape my mouth and tape me into my desk :spank:

she also would pick me up like a baby and walk around with me patty me on the back and talking to me like a baby to try and humiliate me in front of the class :roflpicard:

Man how times have changed

On a side note I ran into her for the first time since 2nd grade during the spring and she wasnt the monster I remember her being (or as old)

She actually remembered me and we had a very nice chat

I’m glad I’m the kind of person who can get over things easily

these poor kids today I tell ya

I would have picked her up and patted her on the back like a baby or kicked her down a flight of stairs.

But its good to know you are nicer than I am lol

I was like 7 and way back then we actually respected our elders (not saying you dont) but yeah it was a different world

on a side note I feel bad for the husbands of some of these teachers
that must be so humiliating

If my old lady ever did something like that well, lets just say someone would be going to jail and it wouldnt be her

fucking LOL

Umm maybe. If it wasnt for that face(ques butterface song from the S&R show). But at the tender age of 13 Id hop on that like a 125cc dirt bike.

Ive had a few like seriously playboy material teachers. When I went to Niagara Academy there was this one brunette…OMFG was she hot! Perfect tits, amazing ass, gorgeous face, and her tits were always hard lol.

I respect my elders but if one did that to me back in the day…I would certainly hold a grudge.

I did have good/great teachers in my time…but none were mildly attractive and for that I would trade the education I received for a little rub and tug after class from a cutie.

I did have one very hot teacher in 5th grade, I remember she was early to mid 20s, about 5’2, 90#s soaking wet, about 32 C’s, distinctly italian with long curly black hair and big brown eyes

I would trade my literacy to have smashed

Atta’ boy!

Seriously, I never had any hot teachers…

No. I wouldn’t hit it. I think I could find hotter Internet porno bitches to whack my bag to if I was 13 today.