would you hit it?

yeah right ^^

I personally am not offended by the sig. It’s funny

obviously some people or else we wouldn’t be talking about it… uhhhhh


il make those comments all day if shit is posted up on here that identifies to a period of time when we lynched people because of their skin color… so you can be racist as much as you want, and I will make comments about addictedtowhips wife all I want… I just think its funny because you play the I was in the military card…well guess what so were alot of black people who would probably find this extremely offensive

I love the sig, and murrdog be easy MLK jr

It wasnt a “serious” question…

i dont play any card, and i think its humorous… so you want to play me as the bad guy in this situation because i said youre a disrespectful little prick. do you know addiktedtowhips? do you know his wife? i doubt it. so you shouldnt make derogatory comments towards either of them. its not my sig, i said i think its funny. get over yourself, i understand you love black bawls. its ok. ive got black friends, and suprise, suprise, they didnt vote for obama, crazy huh?

It has absolutely nothingggggg to do with Obama… nothing at all


then whats it have to do with, plea your case to me. im listening boy. come on now.

with my penis :shifty

Its the fact that it mocks a black man… that type of imagery gives the impression that black people are inferior… do some research

alright jesse jackson. im not black, nor are you. give up your hyperpolictical drama. anytime something obama comes up you get your panties bunched up.

you mock a members wife wheres your point

Once again… has nothing to do with obama

no he doesnt even mock her, he just makes fun of her right out… and has no remorse for it. talking bad about a mans wife is a bad idea.

so you are a black human/civil rights activist now. roger that.

ill call you al sharpton.

he’s on the fidy, son! thats quite an accomplishment. A whitey used to be on it.

have i never stood up for civil rights before?

are you a member of the NAACP?