would you hit it?


he did!


Oh come on thats old news

i know but…its still funny.

i read somewhere that she said she still loves him and blahbity blah

Oh man thats gayer then joey

rihana = gayer than joey

joey = gayer than aeds

pete + aeds = travis

there for rihana = travis!

i wonder what that scab looks like without make-up

probably a whole bunch of nothingness

she looks to be mildly retarded, but I’d still hit it, three times

my girlfriend gave me permission to if I ever got the chance :rofl

so how would u go about hitting it? would u use inanimate objects or something else?

I would hit her with Obama

o wow… your sig is incredibly racist

His sig is pure hilarity

whatever you say

I find stereotyping to be amusing. When it upsets some one it becomes even better

how do u figure? there is no identity of the person in my sig, in fact its just a silhouette of someone smiling. and if u say that im wrong, and it identifys as Obama, than ask yourself how many Obamas there are in this world and which one this sig is “racist” against.

it’s def identifies obama cause it says “Obama” right under the silhouette :smiley:

Who cares…

i think it is Grade A, Awesome.

you wanna get into offensive things? how about your disrespectful comments about a members wife on here?

shut up.

… because your racist